"For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny," Princess Celestia said as she ascended, spreading her wings while a bright light radiated from her body. A surge of magic lanced out from Twilight Sparkle's heart as Celestia's light washed over her. Twilight found herself being lifted into the void as the surge of magic zipped around her and the same bright light began to emanate from her own body
The light began to intensify and the magic flew faster and faster. Twilight shut her eyes. She knew she should be afraid, this was all so surreal, but she trusted Celestia, knew she had Twilight's best interests at heart. However, Twilight knew, deep down, something was not right. She should have been terrified when Celestia had revealed that she had been observing Twilight for years and years, but all she had felt was joy. Joy at knowing how important she was to Celestia.
The light and the surge of magic culminated in a brilliant flash as they coalesced into a brilliant image of Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. Then, there was nothing. Twilight felt herself falling, faster and faster. Stars, planets, galaxies streaked by at lightning speed, blending into beautiful, if terrifying, columns of light. She screamed for help, for Celestia, her friends, her family, the only answer was the pounding of her own heart. Suddenly, the celestial bodies seemed to decrease in speed, and finally came to a stop. Twilight blacked out.
When Twilight awoke she found herself drifting slowly through the astral plane. "Hello?" she yelled. "Princess Celestia? Where are you!"
There was no response. Twilight lay down and began sobbing into her hooves. Princess Celestia wouldn't leave her in this crazy place, would she? Twilight wiped at her tears and stood, "No, the princess loves me, this must be another test."
Twilight began to explore the astral plane. She didn't know what it was that Celestia must want her to find, but she wouldn't, she couldn't, let her teacher down. Twilight found she could use her anti-gravity spell to great effect and began swiftly navigating the endless plane.
Twilight had a sense that some great amount of time had passed, but she had no idea. Twilight paused as she was passing the Unicorn Nebula and sat to admire the view. Twilight used her magic to conjure up a door, then followed up with her apples to oranges spell, creating an edible door. Twilight merrily munched at her magical treat, "Thank you Princess Celestia and Pinkie Pie!"
As she finished up her orange-door, Twilight wiped at her mouth and began to look around her. She gasped as she saw what appeared to be a figure in the distance. Twilight jumped to her feet and began galloping towards it, casting her reverse gravity spell as she ran. Twilight flew towards the figure and began to smile. As she neared, Twilight gleefully cried, "I'm here, Princess Celestia! Did I pass?"
Twilight frowned as the figure came into view - a bedraggled old stallion. He turned towards her, a great sadness on his face, "Twilight Sparkle!? No..."
Twilight tilted her head, "How do you know my name? Who are you? What is going on here? Where is Princess Celestia?"
The old stallion sadly shook his head, "Slow down, Twilight Sparkle. We have plenty of time to discuss things, I'm afraid, for you see, you are dead."
Twilight sat down heavily, she looked down at her hooves, "Dead? B-but how? Wh-why? What?"
The old stallion sighed. "Perhaps 'dead' is a bit too harsh a term, but you might as well be." He paused and stared up into the void, "You'll wish you were, believe me."
Tears began to well up in Twilight's eyes. "I don't understand," she said. "Please, tell me what is happening."
The old stallion pointed towards her flank. "Do you remember that spell that Celestia sent to you?"
Twilight nodded. The old stallion looked away as a tear fell down his cheek, "And did Celestia tell you that it was unfinished, that only you could understand it?"
"Yes, she did. I did understand it, I re-wrote it too," Twilight proudly said.
The old stallion lay down, facing away from Twilight. "I'm so sorry, Twilight Sparkle. It was a lie. It all has been. That spell wasn't unfinished, it did exactly what it was supposed to. I should know, I was the one who created it for Celestia. And now, you are cursed. Just like me. Darkness imprisons us. We cannot live, cannot die. Time does not progress here. Celestia has left you with life in hell, trapped for eternity."
Twilight's ears flopped down as she tried to comprehend what she had just been told. "Your spell... You, you're Star Swirl the Bearded? Celestia did this? Celestia?! Wha... Why? No. No. No! Celestia loves me..."
As Twilight tried to imagine why in the world Celestia would have done something so horrible, she stared at Star Swirl's cutie mark, the same symbol that had been on the book Celestia had sent her, and something in her snapped. "You! You did this to me!" Twilight yelled as she lunged forwards, her horn sparking with magic.
Star Swirl rolled to the side and quickly cast a protective shielding spell, struggling to maintain the barrier as Twilight flailed against it. Twilight continued to mercilessly attack the magical forcefield until her strength began to ebb and she sunk to the floor in tears.
Star Swirl cautiously approached and began to gently stroke her mane. She looked up at him, her vision blurred by tears, "Why?"
Star Swirl gave her a weak smile, "It all began when Discord ruled Equestria. Celestia and Luna, they were but fillies then, rose up against him and recovered the Elements of Harmony, smiting that chaotic goon. The ponies loved them and elected them to lead us. If only we had known what they would become."
Star Swirl continued, "There are many mysteries to the world, but one thing is certain, everything dies, even the stars will burn out eventually. Celestia and Luna were terrified of death. They delved into forbidden magic, trying to find a way to cheat death. Unfortunately, they did, discovering a dark blood magic ritual that could grant them immortality, for a price. By this time, the ponies had grown leery of the Royal Pony Sisters. Cells of resistance grew across Equestria, but they were too powerful, and the resistance's numbers were too few."
Star Swirl grinned, "Celestia and Luna made one fatal mistake, they used the daughter of a unicorn royal, King Sombra, to fuel their blood magic. Sombra was devastated. He had been a powerful sorcerer, especially talented in crystal magic, and he swore he would get revenge upon Celestia and Luna. He began to research dark magic, and it was in these twisted teachings that he found a way to combat Celestia and Luna."
"Dark magic is fueled by negative emotions," Star Swirl said. "The loss of his daughter and his lust for vengeance enabled Sombra to become an immensely powerful wielder of the dark arts. He wanted them to suffer as he had suffered, but he needed to draw them out. He marched an army upon the Crystal Empire and conquered it, ensuring the Royal Pony Sisters would come to challenge him."
Star Swirl laughed, "It was there that he set his plan into motion. When they came, he sprung his trap. Despite his prowess the sisters were able to defeat him, but that had been his plan all along. As they bound his spirit into the ice he cast his final spell, cursing Luna and the Crystal Empire. Eventually Luna was corrupted and became Nightmare Moon, forcing Celestia's hoof to use the Elements of Harmony against her, and that was truly when Sombra had his last laugh."
"For you see," Star Swirl explained, "Sombra had used his mastery over crystal magic to set a trap on the Elements of Harmony themselves. When Celestia tried to help her sister, she instead banished her to the moon for 1,000 years. A thousand years without her sister, forced to raise and lower her lunar prison every day, to see the mocking image of her corrupted form upon its surface, to have her haunt her nightmares. Sombra had had his revenge. Celestia was distraught, and I'm afraid that is where you come in."
Star Swirl put his hoof under Twilight's chin and held her head up, "For the last thousand years, Celestia has been scheming and plotting to get her sister back. She's manipulated so many ponies, so many events, to ensure that you and your friends all met on that fateful day to save Luna."
Twilight shook her head, "This doesn't make sense... This isn't the Princess Celestia I know..."
Star Swirl chuckled, then exhaled slowly. "Nopony knows who she is really is, those that know have a strange habit of ending up dead." He pointed his hoof around the area, "Or in this damned place. Think, Twilight. Think upon the history of Ponyville. For hundreds of years the region was unsettled..."
Twilight frowned, "Until Celestia granted the land to the Apple family. One of my best friends is Applejack, their great granddaughter."
Star Swirl smirked, "And the rest of your friends, the other Elements, they live in Ponyville as well."
Twilight nodded, "Yes. But why did Celestia do this to me, we saved Luna, I even helped her get rehabilitated to modern society!"
Star Swirl pointed once more to Twilight's flank, "It was your destiny they were after, Twilight. Destinies are what fuels their unholy rituals for immortality, and yours was a powerful destiny indeed. One they could not let come to fruition on its own. Do you remember last year's Hearth's Warming Eve?"
Twilight nodded, "Yes, the princess invited us all to perform in the pageant at Canterlot. It was a honor."
"More like a humor," Star Swirl said. "You were granted that honor solely for the amusement of Celestia and Luna. The roles you and your friends were assigned were those of your ancestors, Twilight. You and your friends are the descendants of the founding mares of Equestria."
Twilight gasped, "But how... Just... Wow... Clover...?"
Star Swirl smiled down at her, "You and your friends are the rightful heirs to the throne, you were destined to rule over Equestria in harmony. Sadly, Celestia has stolen that destiny from you. We were all just pawns. She used you, as she used me."
Twilight stood, something in the old wizard's tale had ignited a spark within her. If her friends were in danger, she had to do something to save them. "What do we do, Star Swirl?" Twilight asked.
Star Swirl shrugged, "There is nothing that can be done. It is too late."
Twilight shook her head, "No, if what you're saying is true, then we can not let this happen! I won't let her harm my friends."
Twilight began to pace, "You said she's been stealing ponies' destinies for quite some time, yes?"
Star Swirl nodded. Twilight smirked, "Okay, so first we'll go track down as many of them as we can. If Celestia targeted them as she did me, they must have amazing destinies as well with the talents to match. Together, I'm sure we can find a way out of here."
Star Swirl grinned, "Very well, Miss Sparkle, I am just a crazy old wizard, but my magic is yours, if you wish."
Twilight smiled, "Thank you, Star Swirl. Now, let's go find the other ponies!"
Lured in by a siren's song, I recount my journey into the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Season Three
Dear Princess Twilight...
Now that feels a bit odd to write. ;) So, Twilight Sparkle has achieved her destiny, becoming an alicorn princess. Yay! In comparison, her friends kind of got shafted, huh? Twilight gets to be an alicorn, which is part unicorn, part pegasi, part Earth(?), so basically the best of everything, plus she was already awesome with magic, meanwhile her friends' destinies include taking care of animals, supervising weather, making clothes, helping to run a farm, and making sure everypony is entertained. I think Twilight definitely came out on top here.
There were some memorable new characters this season. Babs Seed was tragic and cute, Lightning Dust was awesome and got screwed over, Mustangia Mustang was a little eccentric, I would have liked to see more of Ms. Harshwhinny, King Sombra has an interesting backstory and seems like we'll be seeing him in the future, and we got to see a ton of Apple family members. I think that was everypony that was new, not counting background type ponies like Rainbow's/Dust's Academy class etc.
My top 5 characters, in no particular order:
Trixie came back, and in a big way. I loved her the first time around, and she was pretty awesome the second coming. Unfortunately we don't really know how much her magic skills improved since she was using a cursed Alicorn Amulet to enhance her power, but she was performing some kick ass magic regardless. After she was freed from the amulet's grip, she even came back to ask Twilight for forgiveness and added some flash to Twilight's bland show. Once more, she left in a cloud of smoke. Hopefully next time we see her she will be Twilight's friend, and I can't wait to see her reaction if she sees Alicorn Princess Twilight.
Thoughts on other characters from this season:
Pinkie Pie: Pinkie is always hit or miss, she started out pretty strong, I really liked her interaction with Rainbow pre-clone invasion in Too Many Pinkie Pies, it was super sweet how she got an inflatable boat thingy so Rainbow could relax and she could have fun pushing her around. Unfortunately that love for Rainbow turned a tad obnoxious in Wonderbolts Academy, so alas, she sunk to the bottom.
Princess Luna: She's still pretty cool, but they took away her cute way of speaking with thee, thou, etc. I really liked that part, so unfortunately that wounded my fondness for her a bit. We did get to see her and her sister use some badass magic in TCE, and she showed us she has dream walking magic in SIP.
Rarity: I thought her having Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pull the cart was kind of messed up, but overall she was pretty good. Had she actually had a spotlight episode, and depending on the quality of the episode, she would be on my list for sure. I really liked her in Magical Mystery Cure.
Mi Amore Cadenza: My old favorite, unfortunately the Cadenza we have now is not the 'evil' Cadenza, and she didn't really get too much opportunity to shine except for in the first episodes. If Games Ponies Play had been about her and Rarity... <3
Fluttershy: KCAFO ruined whatever this character had going for her this season, garbage episode with garbage behavior from Fluttershy.
Applejack: Applejack was kind of meandering about, from her lieutenant role in TCE to Pinkie-esque stupidity in OBA regarding her cousin's bullying issues. She was alright overall I reckon, and had a cute song in Raise This Barn.
Daring Do: Alas, we didn't get any more Daring Do action, but we did at least get to see her again this season/Rainbow is still reading her books. Unfortunately it was the very first book we saw her in, but hey, at least they threw it in there.
Cutie Mark Crusaders: Another season, no cutie marks. We even got a measurement of time in Apple Family Reunion, which turned out to be about 2 years or more having passed since the first episode. Hopefully next season they finally get what they desire. (Although I kind of hope they do something cool with it, or make it be not what we expect i.e. scooter, singing, etc.) They also have expanded past Ponyville and have at least 3 other members in Manehattan.
Babs Seed: I really liked Babs and I was tempted to make Scootaloo be Crusaders on my list to include her as well. Hopefully we get to see her and the Manehattan Crusaders in the future.
Hmm, for the other seasons I did a top 10 episodes list, seems awkward to do one here since there were only 13. I did like almost all of the episodes this season, too, with only one that really stood out as god awful.
My top 5 episodes, in no particular order:
Now that feels a bit odd to write. ;) So, Twilight Sparkle has achieved her destiny, becoming an alicorn princess. Yay! In comparison, her friends kind of got shafted, huh? Twilight gets to be an alicorn, which is part unicorn, part pegasi, part Earth(?), so basically the best of everything, plus she was already awesome with magic, meanwhile her friends' destinies include taking care of animals, supervising weather, making clothes, helping to run a farm, and making sure everypony is entertained. I think Twilight definitely came out on top here.
There were some memorable new characters this season. Babs Seed was tragic and cute, Lightning Dust was awesome and got screwed over, Mustangia Mustang was a little eccentric, I would have liked to see more of Ms. Harshwhinny, King Sombra has an interesting backstory and seems like we'll be seeing him in the future, and we got to see a ton of Apple family members. I think that was everypony that was new, not counting background type ponies like Rainbow's/Dust's Academy class etc.
My top 5 characters, in no particular order:
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash really impressed me this season, she had a 'time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum' kind of attitude going on. She was my favorite character for most of this season, losing out to Twilight in the end, but it was really close. She was really zealous about saving the Crystal Empire/helping Twilight and then later gave it her best to try and secure the Equestria Games for them. She had the courage to tell Spitfire off, even if it meant abandoning her lifelong dream of joining the Wonderbolts. (Luckily it worked out for her in the end) She was the only thing I enjoyed in that crappy Discord episode. And, perhaps most importantly, she took Scootaloo under her wing, giving her the big sister she's longed for and a chance to hang out with her personal hero.
She did have some 'negative' moments though: Being oblivious that the one 'sad' Pinkie might have been the real one (and dropping her hard to the ground). Going all out in the joust against Fluttershy, seeing she was crying and essentially telling her to get the hell back up so she can knock her down again. Unfortunately, they brought the PoS pet they stuck her with back, and made her show affection to it despite it being the biggest piece of shit there is.
Trixie came back, and in a big way. I loved her the first time around, and she was pretty awesome the second coming. Unfortunately we don't really know how much her magic skills improved since she was using a cursed Alicorn Amulet to enhance her power, but she was performing some kick ass magic regardless. After she was freed from the amulet's grip, she even came back to ask Twilight for forgiveness and added some flash to Twilight's bland show. Once more, she left in a cloud of smoke. Hopefully next time we see her she will be Twilight's friend, and I can't wait to see her reaction if she sees Alicorn Princess Twilight.
Lightning Dust
Lightning Dust was committed to becoming a Wonderbolt and was trying to get things done fastest with the mostest possible. Her solution to most problems was to fly faster and harder, and sometimes a tornado, which is why I like her.
Scootaloo cemented her status as my favorite Crusader this season. She got a spotlight episode, and overcame her fears, the result of which resulted in her getting to bond with Rainbow Dash. She was also the high note of Just For Sidekicks. We got to see some more of her awesome scooter skills, including while she was passed out. She is pretty badass.
I look forward to seeing Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo episode(s) in the future.
Twilight Sparkle
Twilight has consistently impressed me throughout the show, ranking as my overall favorite character (although to be fair I had to choose from a magic wielder), but she has certainly earned a place in my heart, as silly as that sounds to write. This season was about her fulfilling her destiny, and the way she did so just makes me love her more. Not only did she write her own magic, she also proved what an awesome friend and person/pony she is. As Celsetia said, she is an inspiration for us all, and we can all learn from her. :)
Thoughts on other characters from this season:
Pinkie Pie: Pinkie is always hit or miss, she started out pretty strong, I really liked her interaction with Rainbow pre-clone invasion in Too Many Pinkie Pies, it was super sweet how she got an inflatable boat thingy so Rainbow could relax and she could have fun pushing her around. Unfortunately that love for Rainbow turned a tad obnoxious in Wonderbolts Academy, so alas, she sunk to the bottom.
Princess Luna: She's still pretty cool, but they took away her cute way of speaking with thee, thou, etc. I really liked that part, so unfortunately that wounded my fondness for her a bit. We did get to see her and her sister use some badass magic in TCE, and she showed us she has dream walking magic in SIP.
Rarity: I thought her having Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pull the cart was kind of messed up, but overall she was pretty good. Had she actually had a spotlight episode, and depending on the quality of the episode, she would be on my list for sure. I really liked her in Magical Mystery Cure.
Mi Amore Cadenza: My old favorite, unfortunately the Cadenza we have now is not the 'evil' Cadenza, and she didn't really get too much opportunity to shine except for in the first episodes. If Games Ponies Play had been about her and Rarity... <3
Fluttershy: KCAFO ruined whatever this character had going for her this season, garbage episode with garbage behavior from Fluttershy.
Applejack: Applejack was kind of meandering about, from her lieutenant role in TCE to Pinkie-esque stupidity in OBA regarding her cousin's bullying issues. She was alright overall I reckon, and had a cute song in Raise This Barn.
Daring Do: Alas, we didn't get any more Daring Do action, but we did at least get to see her again this season/Rainbow is still reading her books. Unfortunately it was the very first book we saw her in, but hey, at least they threw it in there.
Cutie Mark Crusaders: Another season, no cutie marks. We even got a measurement of time in Apple Family Reunion, which turned out to be about 2 years or more having passed since the first episode. Hopefully next season they finally get what they desire. (Although I kind of hope they do something cool with it, or make it be not what we expect i.e. scooter, singing, etc.) They also have expanded past Ponyville and have at least 3 other members in Manehattan.
Babs Seed: I really liked Babs and I was tempted to make Scootaloo be Crusaders on my list to include her as well. Hopefully we get to see her and the Manehattan Crusaders in the future.
Hmm, for the other seasons I did a top 10 episodes list, seems awkward to do one here since there were only 13. I did like almost all of the episodes this season, too, with only one that really stood out as god awful.
My top 5 episodes, in no particular order:
- Sleepless in Ponyville
- Magic Duel
- Wonderbolts Academy
- The Crystal Empire
- Magical Mystery Cure
Magical Mystery Cure
Dear Princess Luna...
Well, here it is. The final episode of Season 3. Kind of hard to believe, you know? Felt like the season began not too long ago. Thirteen episodes instead of the usual twenty-six will do that though I suppose. Luckily, Season 4 is not only confirmed, but confirmed to have the full 26 again. Yay.
Season 3 was said to have an 'overarching plot' or something to that effect. The only thing that stayed consistent throughout was Twilight Sparkle advancing her magical studies, so it is safe to assume that that was the overarching plotline and should come to fruition in this episode. Trixie proclaimed herself the 'highest level unicorn' in Magic Duel while wearing the Alicorn Amulet (alicorn is what they've decided to call what I originally referred to as the royalty breed, aka Celestia/Luna/Cadenza) so it is possible that an alicorn will be what Twilight becomes, which would make that some kind of Lich-like transformation for unicorns.
The episode begins with a nice zoom-in from the clouds down to the Ponyville Library, where Twilight starts to sing.
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Twilight heads outside and continues singing around the town.
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There's the Mayor en route to her office |
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There's the sofa clerk selling some quills |
I think this is the bistro(?) where Twilight was trying to eat in The Ticket Master, Twilight sings her way over to a dining couple and freaks them the hell out.
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Morning in Ponyville shimmers |
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Twilight is pissed and immediately starts raging at Rainbow Dash, even though there are tons of other pegasi in the area. I guess Rainbow just has a reputation for douchebag moves like that though, given her fondness for pranks. I think she did that to Twilight in the first episode, too.
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"Rainbow Dash, that's not funny!" |
We've already seen Trixie using weather magic in Boast Busters and Magic Duel, in the latter it was suggested that it's a big deal. So how can Rarity, who has done a few neat things with magic but should be no where near Trixie's level, be using weather magic? Uh oh, she has Rainbow Dash's cutie mark! (And Rainbow is the pony in charge of Ponyville's weather, so Rarity, having somehow obtained her cutie mark, is able to use weather magic)
Twilight stares wide-eyed at Rarity's flank, and says "Something tells me everything is not going to be fine." On the contrary, dear Twilight, we've already had Twilight singing, and there should be a heavy emphasis on magic, seems this episode should be fine from my point of view. =]
Twilight asks Rarity what she is doing and what happened to her cutie mark. Rarity responds that she's simply doing what she's always done since it appeared. So, you've heard the expression 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed'? It would seem Twilight has woke up in some alternate dimension, or whatever is affecting Rarity has altered her memories as well. Which is pretty crazy when you think about it, because that would mean her entire life from when she was a filly to the present is likely radically different, since instead of having a talent in gem finding/dress making, she is now weather manipulation. She might not even be the Element of Generosity, either, which could mean a radically different personality as well.
Apparently not too radical, as Rarity is making the sky look 'fabulous' and an angry mob surrounds them.
Twilight is confused and wants to know where Rainbow Dash is. Cut to Twilight walking with Spike (whom she woke up) outside of Fluttershy's cottage, where Bizarro Rarity told Twilight that Rainbow lives. Rainbow cracks open the door and sticks her head out to greet them. Aww, she looks kind of depressed or something. :( Noises inside send her darting away and Twilight opens the door to find out what is going on.
Inside, animals are going nuts and Rainbow is trying to control them. Looking at Rainbow's butt, for investigative purposes I assure you, we see she has Fluttershy's cutie mark.
I think this episode is going to be a musical, as Rainbow starts singing. :)
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Twilight heads to Sugar Cube Corner where we see Fluttershy with Pinkie's mark.
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I try to keep them laughing, put a smile upon their face |
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But no matter what I try, it seems a bit of a disgrace |
Spike put on the Groucho glasses and started dancing around, which somehow instantly amused the crowd. Twilight is not pleased and motions for him to knock it off.
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I don't care much for pickin' fruit |
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and plowin' fields ain't such a hoot |
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No matter what I try, I cannot fix this busted water chute! |
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I've got so many chores to do, it's no fun being me |
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But it has to be my destiny |
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'cause it's what my cutie mark is telling me |
Kind of neat transition using AJ's cutie mark to buttons on a dress in Carousel Boutique where Applejack is looking panicky as she uses a sewing machine. Hah, I love that, "I think that it's a dress."
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Lookie here at what I made, I think that it's a dress |
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I know it doesn't look like much, I'm under some distress |
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Could y'all give me a hand here and help me fix this mess? |
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My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is tellin' me |
Rarity apparently has very little control over her weather magic. She just wants to make pretty patterns with the clouds, but somehow has snow in one side of the town, sun in the other.
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I'm in love with weather patterns but the others have concerns |
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For I just gave them frostbite over-top of their sunburns |
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It's got to be My destiny My destiny And it's what my cutie mark |
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It's what my cutie mark |
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Yes, it's what my cutie mark is telling me! |
Twilight opens the package, which contains a book and a scroll. The book is not just any book, and is apparently Star Swirl the Bearded's research journal, or something that his research has been transcribed to, as the book contains Star Swirl's secret unfinished masterpiece. Star Swirl could never get it right so he abandoned it, but Celestia believes Twilight is the 'only pony' who can understand it and rewrite it.
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Aww. :) |
I am calling shenanigans on this. Twilight casts the spell, reading aloud: "From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny, singled out alone, fulfilled." We see the Element of Magic responding to her spell and as it glows the other Elements swap around. Twilight then yawns, puts down the book, leaving it downstairs, and goes to bed. Bullshit. This is the same Twilight Sparkle that, even upon seeing the Crystal Empire and her brother and sister-in-law/friend in serious danger, she kept thinking it was all just some test. (Which it was, but still) The same Twilight Sparkle that dressed up as this Star Swirl wizard, possibly having made the costume herself. The same Twilight Sparkle that went nuts at seeing the library in the Crystal Empire. The same Twilight Sparkle that has spent the majority of her life training in magic. The same Twilight Sparkle that stayed up all night just to research Ursa Majors. Etc.
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New use for magic: Changing ponies' destinies/cutie marks. |
Twilight is justifiably freaking out, Spike calmly tells her to just cast a counter spell. (A counter spell, for an unfinished secret masterpiece by one of the masters of magic, good one, Spike) Twilight flips through the book, no dice. Spike then suggests she casts a memory spell, like when Discord first attacked. Twilight says that won't help, because its not their memories, it's their true selves that have been altered. Certainly seems like it is their memories if everypony but them knows something is wrong.
Spike suggests Zecora's cure for the Cutie Pox, and Twilight slams the book/binder into him. Hmm, I think this book/binder thingy is what Luna produced at the end of The Crystal Empire Part 2, so the Royal Pony Sisters set Twilight up.
Spike suggests maybe her friends will grow to like their new lives, Twilight tells him they're not who they're meant to be anymore, and it's all her fault. Her eyes watering, Twilight goes up to her bed. Luckily I'm in the mood I'm in right now or I might be shedding a few tears at this part, poor Twilight. :(
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I have to find a way |
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To make this all okay |
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I can't believe this small mistake |
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Could've caused so much heartache |
Rarity is drenched in town looking miserable, an angry pony scowls at her and slams her shutters.
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Oh why, oh why? |
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Losing promise |
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I don't know what to do |
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I fear I won't get through to you |
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Oh why, oh why? |
Twilight goes to look at a photo of her and her friends.
Saying 'My friends..' gives Twilight an idea, and a magical aura.
Her cutie mark lights up her eyes for some reason. Interesting that there are six stars around the big star, I had just looked at her mark the other day and noted that there were only five. Not sure what it means, or just an error.
Twilight's plan is to show her friends not who they are, but what they mean to each other. So I guess she will show them how miserable the other one is and that will trigger some magics to fix it. Twilight loads the Elements of Harmony into their chest, dons her crown-thingy, and heads out.
Geez, Fluttershy was going to run away from town, hiring the aviatrix pony to take her away on the hot air balloon.
Fluttershy says she's moving back to Cloudsdale because she can't make anypony laugh. :( Twilgiht tells her to wait, that Rainbow needs help with her animals. Fluttershy says she doesn't know anything about animals. Twilight counters that she does know something about Rainbow Dash. It would be interesting to see how events played out in the Bizarro Ponyverse, since apparently they all are still friends. As we know, Rainbow Dash performed a sonic rainboom that not only helped them all get their cutie marks, but also was a sign that they were pre-destined friends. Did the rainboom happen in the Bizarro timeline?
Fluttershy says she knows Rainbow is a true friend, and she'll do anything she can to help her.
The three arrive just in time, as the animals have decided to boil Rainbow alive and eat her. Not a joke, that's actually what is happening.
Fluttershy asks Twilight if she has a spell she can use to get Rainbow out of there. Twilight says no. Shenanigans again, Twilight. We know you can teleport others, or even just lift her up. Twilight tells Fluttershy she has to do it.
Fluttershy goes in and starts talking to the animals, they eventually line up to listen to her and she gets them all food. It turns out that Rainbow Dash decided not to feed them and they were going to murder her over it.
The bear hugs Fluttershy and she begins to glow. She says she can understand them, can feel like this is who she is, and then realizes it's her destiny.
Twilight uses her magic to put on Fluttershy's Element, and memories of her true life flash before her eyes.
Fluttershy dazedly asks what happened, and Twilight smiles and points out her cutie mark.
Twilight is overjoyed and bounces around, leaning up against Fluttershy.
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Aww,,, |
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I wonder if there was a failure to communicate between the writers and animators, as it seems like Rainbow should have been 'trapped inside' something else. I mean, Rainbow Dash is awesome, she has pretty good physical strength, yet she can't bust out of these ropes? Or there was food in the house but the critters were sure as hell looking to be boiling her up to eat instead? I could see her being trapped in the closet instead, hiding from the rampaging animals. Especially with what Rainbow says, as seen below. Rainbow interrupts Twilight and Fluttershy's singing to tell them to get her the hell out of there.
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"Um, hello! Friend trapped inside, remember?" |
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She's trying hard doing what she can |
The weather is continuing to be out of control in Ponyville, and with a little encouragement, Rainbow takes to the skies and starts cloud busting. There were tons of pegasi in Ponyville, we know for a fact that they all help with Winter Wrap Up, why didn't any of them help?
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Would you try, just give it a chance |
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It sure looked like Applejack was closing down the shop, but I guess she was just trying to cover the windows so no one could see her lousy clothing.
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Applejack needs your help |
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She's trying hard doing what she can |
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Rarity triumphantly holds up the dress she made (which took like 30 seconds), and gets the magic aura, Twilight slaps on her Element, and memories flash by her eyes.
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"Oh my, what a terrible dream I had. Or, maybe I'm still having it." |
Twilight tells her that Pinkie is about to lose the apple farm, and that they need Applejack's help. Rarity says they can't let that happen.
Rarity grabs Applejack and they all head out to the farm.
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For together we can be her guide |
Applejack and the others help Pinkie with the various chores.
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As with the others, Applejack gets a magic aura, Twilight puts on her Element, memories flash by.
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"Yee-haw! Now that's more like it, what's next?" |
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The townspeople need you, they've been sad for a while |
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They march around, faces frown and never seem to smile |
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And if you feel like helping, we'd appreciate a lot |
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If you get up there and spread some cheer from here to Canterlot! |
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"Pinkie!" |
The restored friends begin to parade down the street and all the ponies come out and join in the celebration.
The continue embracing each other as Twilight gently sets them down.
The last words of Star Swirl's spell echo in Twilight's mind and she gasps. She says she understands now, and knows how to fix the spell. What exactly was the spell meant to do? Swap destinies/marks? That's what it would seem to be about, anyway.
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"A mark of one's destiny, singled out alone, fulfilled." |
She begins to write the fixed version of the spell: From all of us together, together we are friends, with the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!
As finishes the spell and closes the book, her Element of Magic begins to glow. Magical auras surround her friends' Elements as well, and beams of arcane energy begin to shoot out.
The beams are all hitting Twilight and she finds herself in a swirling sphere of energy.
She looks sad. :(
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"Star Swirl, I trusted you. How could you betray me? You were my hero, Star Swirl..." |
Just as suddenly as it had appeared, the energy is gone, and all that's left of Twilight is a smoking scorch mark, suspiciously looking like her cutie mark.
Twilight finds herself in some kind of astral plane.
What a surprise, Princess Celestia is there. Gee, she totally didn't orchestrate all of this or anything.
Celestia congratulates Twilight, says she knew Twilight could do it, and they hug. Twilight doesn't understand what is going on. Which is a pretty rational response when she gets blasted by energy and ends up in some crazy astral plane.
Celestia explains: "You did something today that's never been done before, something even a
great unicorn like Star Swirl the Bearded was not able to do, because he
did not understand friendship like you do. The lessons you've learned
here in Ponyville have taught you well. You have proven that you're
ready, Twilight."
Twilight asks ready for what, and Celestia starts to sing! :) The pair walk through a 'corridor' where 'view screens' are replaying scenes from past episodes. Instead of being creeped the fuck out that Celestia has apparently been watching her at all times and probably doing things behind the scenes to make sure whatever the hell it is she's wanting out of Twilight happens, Twilight just looks on in wonder. New uses for magic: Creating/teleporting to some kind of astral plane. Recording events and replaying them on 'view screens.' ![]() |
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Celestia sings that it's time for Twilight's 'new life' and time for her to fulfill her destiny,
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For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny! |
The light intensifies and it transitions from Celestia's astral plane to the real world, where Twilight's cutie mark (with the sixth star) shines bright in the night sky.
The cutie mark descends and sets down before Twilight's friends.
They can't believe their eyes as the light fades to reveal Twilight Sparkle, who triumphantly spreads her new wings!
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New use for magic: becoming an alicorn! |
Rainbow gives her friend a hug. :)
Rarity says that Twilight has become an alicorn, and that she didn't even think that was possible. So, whatever is known about alicorns in the Ponyverse, they are apparently a rarity?
Pinkie screams ALICORN PARTY and swings past on ropes connected to who knows what, disturbing everyone.
Fluttershy says Twilight looks just like a princess, and Celestia descends, saying that is because Twilight is a princess. Is this confirmation that all prince(sses) aren't alicorns, but all alicorns are princesses?
Twilight, and everyone else, is confused.
Celestia explains that since Twilight came to Ponyville, she's shown the Charity (Rarity), Compassion (Fluttershy), Devotion (Rainbow Dash), Integrity (Applejack), Optimism (Pinkie Pie), and of course, Leadership (Twilight herself) of a true princess.
Twilight just became an alicorn, she just learned that Celestia has been watching her every move, and that she is a princess, and the first thing on her mind is if she will still be Celestia's student.
Celestia says not in the same way as before, that she will still be there to help and guide Twilight, but she (Celestia) and everyone else are all Twilight's students now. Celestia says Twilight is an inspiration to us all. Hah, this is sounding similar to the musings I had about Twilight when I was deciding on my favorite overall character after watching the first two seasons. I believe I wrote something akin to 'the world would be a better place if we could all be Livin' Like Twilight' and that Twilight encompassed the ideals of the Elements of Harmony. Oorah.
Twilight begins to get a little panicky and asks if there's a book about being a princess. They all giggle at her and Celestia says there will be time for that later.
The next day, there is a big ceremony for Twilight going down in Canterlot. Celestia, Luna, Mi Amore Cadenza, and all of Twilight's friends are dressed up for the occasion.
Celestia explains what is going on, again: "We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville. She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna. But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess. Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!"
So, because Twilight created new magic (which was fixing a spell, the purpose of which we don't really know), she is ready to be a princess, apparently. New use for magic: It gives you the right to rule!
Twilight's parents must be pleased as can be. Their son was Captain of the Royal Guard, now a prince after his marriage to Mi Amore Cadenza. Their daughter was Celestia's chosen apprentice, and is now an alicorn princess.
Princess Twilight Sparkle makes her grand entrance, complete with her cutie mark on banners and a chorus of blonde mare handmaidens and royal guards.
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Spike presents Twilight's crown, not sure if it is the Element of Magic, since we know they can transform their shape, or if it just resembles it.
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The Princess is |
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Aww, Twilight is so happy. :) Celestia tells her to say something, and Twilight gives a little speech: "A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship, which is something I didn't really care much about. But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!"
Shining Armor congratulates his little sister and has tears in his eyes, which he says is liquid pride, a totally different thing.
Twilight's friends congratulate her and Fluttershy tells her they love her. Twilight says she loves them too and they cuddle together.
Twilight has her own chariot/throne thingy and goes out in front of the adoring crowd.
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Life in Equestria shines |
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And I know for absolute certain |
Celestia and Luna look on, proud that their plan worked.
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The episode ends as Twilight flies into the 'camera' as it were.
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<3 |
- So Celestia 'pulls back the curtain' and reveals that she's been watching Twilight all this time. I've kind of figured she's been manipulating things to fulfill her own agenda, this pretty much proves it. Question now is, why did Twilight need to fix that spell, and why did she need to become a princess to fulfill Celestia's desires?
- Star Swirl was unable to complete his spell because he couldn't understand friendship the way Twilight does. I think this falls along with the above, in that Celestia was likely grooming Twilight from a young age, aka making her not value friendship, so that when she did get friends (also Celestia's will), she would really fall in love with them.
- Magic once again is proven to be the ultimate force in the Ponyverse, as not only can it alter the very destinies and way of life for the ponies, writing your own magic qualifies you to be a princess and possibly an alicorn. In any case, magic is responsible for making (some) alicorns.
- I really liked Rarity in this episode, shame she got screwed over and didn't get a spotlight episode this season, but this almost made up for it. Loved her using weather magic.
- I had been making a rough draft of the Season 3 wrap up post, and I knew what four out of 5 for my favorites would be. Twilight had been consistently on my list, and made my overall favorite, but Rainbow Dash had been wowing me more overall this season. I wasn't sure if Twilight was going to make the list, although I'm not entirely sure who would beat her out, but after this episode, she's definitely on there. :) I like Twilight, of course, and yeah, this episode was awesome for her. That scene of her sobbing into her hooves..
- The alicorn part makes some sense, an alicorn sort of represents every type of pony. The princess part felt a little odd with Celestia coming down 'yep she's a princess!' and bowing to her, although the coronation was pretty cool. Perhaps it would have been better if the Celestia in Ponyville part didn't happen, and have Spike scroll belch up an edict from Celestia about the coronation and Twilght becoming a princess.
- Man, how long until Season 4? I really want to see what is to come of Princess Twilight! :)
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