What I Would Like to See in Future Episodes:
More Daring Do! Preferably as a 'real' character, but either way works, so long as we get to see her wrecking stuff up again. Especially if we get a The Last Crusade parody, so we can get some Knight Templar action going on. =]
More Princess Luna! For such a central character to the lore (reigning over the night) we saw barely any of her. Luna Eclipsed and a few shots in A Canterlot Wedding, I think that was it. (Or possibly shots of Nightmare Moon in the stained glass windows in The Return of Harmony) Make sure she keeps talking with 'thous' 'thys' and 'thees' though, it's charming and adds a little to the character.
In that episode where Cerberus had left his post, future villains could have escaped. That could probably be a running plot for a couple episodes. I wouldn't be surprised if that was why that event happened, so they could set up Season 3 plots. Because I mean really, that was just random as all get out to suddenly introduce what is essentially Hell to the Ponyverse. Twilight claims nothing escaped in the episode, but they could easily resolve that by having had the evil pull an Escape from Alcatraz and rig up some elaborate dummy that fooled Twilight/whomever told her nothing got out.
Return of Flim and Flam. Have them come back, continually trying to run other businesses out of town with a variety of crazy machines. Eventually Twilight convinces them to just make machines to sell.
If it isn't shown in Season 1, there needs to be an episode showing the Wonderbolts as something other than useless prima donnas. Update: The Wonderbolts slightly redeemed themselves in my eyes in the episode Sonic Rainboom.
A 'pony' James Bond/secret agent. We had a brief James Bond parody in MMMystery, should be able to get a good episode out of spy stuff like that. This should probably be a Rarity episode, where she learns new uses for magic from the Bond parody. Perhaps she is unintentionally involved in the agent's op, and performs so well she is offered a position at the Canterlot Intelligence Agency, but declines...or does she? =]
The 'other' Equestria, what happened to the ponies' old home? What about other cities like Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Las Pegasus, Trottingham? Maybe Season 1 visits some of those, but it would be interesting to see the 'mane 6' travel their world. Update: Manehattan is briefly seen in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. We did also see a few Western towns (Appleloosa, Dodge City) and the pegasi city of Cloudsdale.
I'm not sure which way to go on this one. Obviously there's a lot of fodder for crazy things the Cutie Mark Crusaders can try to do to get their marks, and they probably wouldn't work out near as well once/if they get their mark. Perhaps they do finally get their marks, but Twilight/whoever helps them realize that a mark isn't everything and you aren't bound to just doing one thing. They realize the journey was more fun than the destination, and they continue going on wacky adventures, perhaps becoming apprentices to Daring Do.
More magic/unicorns! Magic is awesome, and as we have seen, is extremely useful in everyday tasks, but occasionally is used for badass purposes, like walking through walls or slamming Spike into objects.
A flashback centric episode of the elderly ponies like Pipe Smoking Pony, Cranky Doodle Donkey, and Granny Smith recounting their lives during the Great Pony War II or whatever. Update: We did get to see a younger Granny Smith in Apple Family Reunion, so that's something.
Star Swirl the Bearded. We know this guy apparently invented not only a ton of spells, but time travel spells too. Have an episode where Twilight goes back to see him or vice versa. Or make it a who's-who of Unicorn wizards, and include others like Clover the Clever.
A continuation of the above, have an episode heavily featuring time travel. Bring some of the support cast from a variety of ages on to help solve whatever the issue is, a crazy unicorn villain with a time machine or whatever. Examples might include grown up Cutie Mark Crusaders (wearing some kind of garment to hide their marks if the running gag will be they never get them), young Granny Smith, old Diamond Tiara, young Celestia/Luna, 'filly' or older 'mane 6', adult Little Strongheart, 'filly' Daring Do, etc.
Rainbow Dash has expressed interest in joining the Wonderbolts and a little interest in the Royal Guard. Howzabout an episode where Rainbow and Fluttershy, possibly more of the mane 6, go into a JROTC type thing for the Wonderbolts/Royal Guard. This would be a good episode to show the Wonderbolts doing awesome things, as well as have Shining Armor play a role. Update: Hah! We got Wonderbolts Academy in season 3. Unfortunately it was just for Rainbow, and invite only, but it was pretty good and sorta what I was thinking of.
Not story related, but have the non-Rarity mane 6 wear their Gala dresses in other episodes. Rainbow especially, since hers is pretty awesome in my view. =]
My 'dream' episode:
Tying in some of the above, Daring Do is a real pony. For the Last Crusade parody, the Holy Grail (the Chalice of Forever Friends or something for the Ponyverse version) is an ancient artifact that Luna and Celestia used to become immortals, and/or got their powers. A villain/group of villains that escaped from Tartarus is after the Chalice. The villain should be able to use magic so they can conjure up enemies that can be destroyed without the whole, you know, actually killing living things jazz. Perhaps they should be an evil 'royalty' breed pony, an ancient warlord. Daring Do teams up with Twilight and co. plus Luna and Celestia to thwart the villain(s).
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