Most of the villains in the Ponyverse tend to be one-offs, instead of putting them in The 'Mane' Cast page, I though I'd make a page just for our beloved, and not so beloved, villains. =]
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza/Changeling Queen
The Queen is a schemer, plotting to take over Equestria by becoming Princess Cadence so she could feed off Shining Armor's love to increase her own strength, while also weakening Canterlot's defenses by taking Shining Armor out of the picture.
While under cover as Cadence, she acts more like how you would expect a princess to act than the real Cadence. She is a queen after all. Her plan ultimately fails because of Twilight Sparkle, who rescues the real Cadence, which leads to Cadence and Shining Armor supercharging a magical energy blast with their love, sending the Changeling army flying out of Canterlot.
Chance she might return?: Decent. She and her Changelings can be any pony they want to be, the only tell-tale sign would be, if a unicorn, their magic suddenly going green. Her people still need food (they feed off love if I recall) and Equestria is chock full of it. (She apparently is in the new My Little Pony comic series, and may be a recurring villain there)
Notable deed(s):
- Introduced yours truly to this series with her song, This Day Aria.
- Completely stomped Princess Celestia in battle, amazing all, even herself.
- Was able to fool everyone except Twilight Sparkle (who just hated her on principle, not even knowing she was really a Changeling), including her victim's beau.
- Conquered Canterlot for a little while.
- Is a master of infernal magic.
Flim and Flam
Salesponies non pareil. These travelling con artists show up with a crazy magic-powered machine that makes cider. Cider is really loved in the Ponyverse, but in short supply. Their machine makes awesome cider, and they try to cut a deal with the Apple family to increase their cider supply, but Flim and Flam would of course get most of the profit. The Apples decline, claiming they rely on the cider money to make it through the winter.They end up in a contest, Flim and Flam's machine versus the Apple family, whoever makes the most barrels of cider wins the right to exclusively sell cider in Ponyville. (The bet somehow also ends up including Sweet Apple Acres) Flim and Flam dominate, Twilight Worth, afraid for Applejack's future, meddles and she and the rest of the mane 6 join the contest to help the Apples. Flim and Flam panic, ramping up their production but at the cost of quality. They win the contest. To celebrate, they start serving cider from the late-production run, zero quality control barrels. The stuff is nasty and the crowd says they wouldn't even pay 2 bits for a barrel. (The Apples were selling a mug of cider for 2 bits)
Since no one wants their nasty cider, Flim and Flam exit stage right and drive away, and the Apples get their farm back. This, as you can probably tell, is stupid, as Flim and Flam shouldn't have been dumb enough to serve the cider they knew was trash.
Chance they might return?: Decent. Obviously they got kind of deus ex machina'd and screwed over. My idea: have them keep coming back with new machines, trying to take over other businesses, eventually they just make machines to sell and become 'good' guys and recurring characters.
Notable deed(s):
- Have a catchy song.
- Are able to make crazy machines with magic.
Iron Will
A minotaur that specializes in seminars making ponies more assertive, or their money back. He has a 99.9% success rate with only one exception, Fluttershy. Not really a 'villain' per se, but he becomes a threat after Fluttershy refuses to pay, physically harming Rarity and Pinkie Pie by tossing them over an embankment. He tries to convince Fluttershy to pay up, but consents and leaves without any money, even though clearly his training had helped her, because non-seminar'd Fluttershy would never have stood up to him.
Chance he might return?: Low. The poor guy seems to just do one thing, try to help ponies improve themselves. Maybe he could show up again, but I'd imagine it'd just be a cameo and not as a central character.
Notable deed(s):
- Helped Fluttershy 'come out of her shell' and showed us the real Fluttershy, that's buried under all that sweetness: a cruel and mean little pegasi that thinks her friends are idiots.
Con Mane
An evil James Bond, Con Mane is a secret agent sent to destroy Pinkie's chances of winning dessert contests. If there is an actual James Bond pony or not is unknown, but it's possible. =]
Chance he might return?: As Con Mane? Probably not likely. Another James Bond parody pony? Eh, probably not likely, but they should do one.
Notable deed(s):
- Gets all the ladies, oh yeah!
- Is armed with a bunch of high tech gadgets, and is a unicorn, making it extremely easy for him to complete his missions.
Diamond Dogs
The Diamond Dogs are obsessed with gems. We don't know what they do with them besides decorate their collars and carry them in their vest pockets, but they really want more of them.They kidnap Rarity to force her to find gems for them, but her incessant complaining and whining drive them batty. As Rarity's friends arrive to save her, they surrender and willingly give Rarity back, and let her take all the gems she helped find.
Chance they might return?: Fair. They live close to Ponyville, and have their own army of armored dog soldiers. However their experience with Rarity may have made them scared of ponies, so they might have fled and/or wouldn't go near ponies again.
Notable deed(s):
- Got beat up by Spike(!) but completely stomped the Mane 6 - Rarity.
- Very good chance they kidnapped Twilight as a filly, as she has recurring nightmares about their dungeon.
The Cake Twins
Not necessarily villains, but they fulfill the role of antagonists I suppose. Pound Cake is a male pegasus. Pumpkin Cake is a female unicorn. Together, they are a massive headache for whomever has to foal sit them.Their constant crying can only be silenced by Pinkie Pie dumping a bag of flour on herself. They end up driving Pinkie to tears, after refusing to go to sleep. Pound dragged Pinkie headfirst down and up the stairs.
They possess terrifying abilities, Pound is super strong and can fly and walk on walls/ceilings. Pumpkin can already use magic, and has learned advanced tricks like flight and walking through walls.
Chance they might return?: Practically guaranteed.
Notable deed(s):
- Drove the ever-cheerful Pinkie Pie to tears.
- Have awe inspiring powers already.
- Get joy out of seeing Pinkie Pie humiliated and hurt.
Dragon Teenagers
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(This was about the only screenshot I had of them.) |
To celebrate, they plan a raid on a phoenix nest. What they plan to do with the phoenix eggs is unknown, but safe to say it is not good. They make Spike lure away the adults, and find the eggs have hatched. They don't care, and plan to kill or eat the hatchlings. The hatchlings can already fly and are too agile for the dragons to catch. They escape and Spike finds an unhatched egg. The dragon teenagers tell him to smash it, he refuses. They turn on him and Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash jump out of their dragon costume, ready to fight. The ponies flee with Spike and the dragon teenagers are last seen smashed into a tree.
Chance they might return?: Good. Spike and the ponies embarrassed them, and we already know they are douchebags. So them coming back for revenge shouldn't be out of the question.
Notable deed(s):
- They made Spike proud of who he is, then their evilness made him glad of his 'pony' nature.
- Dragons are shown as immune to flames, so phoenix (which would seem like a very bad idea for any other species to mess with) are no threat to them, which makes them seem even more douchebaggy.
A plague of the past, windigos are winter spirits that feed off fighting and hatred. The more they feed, the colder things get. They likely killed off thousands of ponies via starvation of exposure to the cold. Because of their presence, the leaders of the three pony tribes and their closest underlings set off, eventually finding the land that would become Equestria.The leaders can't resist fighting and the windigos follow them to this new paradise. They end up in a cave where they slowly freeze to death. Clover the Clever bonds with the other underlings, and finally identifies the source of the blizzards as windigos. As the three freeze, huddled together, they each say how they like each other. As the ice reaches Clover's horn, a powerful magic spell is unleashed, vanquishing the windigos and forming a giant fiery heart in the air which warms them and melts the ice.
Chance they might return?: Low, but possible. In the current time, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are butting heads over closing a window and the windigos are heard howling outside.
Notable deed(s):
- If it wasn't for them, Equestria wouldn't exist, and the pony tribes would still be living their cold war of extortion. (Or perhaps they would have eventually done what I was saying, and Earth ponies team up with Unicorns to kill off the pegasi, since Unicorns can fulfill the pegasi's weather control role with magic)
The Evils Imprisoned in Tartarus
In It's About Time, Cerberus, the guardian of Tartarus, randomly shows up in Ponyville. Twilight is terrified, saying that if Cerberus isn't at his post, the evils imprisoned in Tartarus can escape and destroy Equestria.We can only imagine what kind of awesome villains are housed in Tartarus, aka Hades, aka Hell.
Chance they might return?: Very high. There has to be a reason they included this bizarre plot point. However, Twilight claimed none of them had escaped when she brought Cerberus back there.
Notable deed(s):
- Twilight says if they escape they would destroy Equestria, so we can assume they are badasses.
Nightmare Moon
Also known as Princess Luna, sister of Princess Celestia, Nightmare Moon was imprisoned for 1,000 years, until she was recently purged of evil by the Elements of Harmony. Luna is shown to have awesome magical powers including control over lightning and storm clouds, and has her own bat-winged guards, so we can assume Nightmare Moon was even more badass and Emperor Palpatine-like. She also may have eaten ponies before her imprisonment.
Chance she might return?:It's possible, if unlikely. Luna became Nightmare Moon in the first place after getting upset that the ponies slept through the night, her night. She could easily go back to the dark side in the future if she doesn't get the love and respect she desires.
Notable deed(s):
- Made Twilight Sparkle and her friends legends because they purged her of evil in Elements of Harmony, cementing their destiny as the current wielders of the Elements.
- Had a reign of terror so infamous the ponies made a holiday about her, Nightmare Night.
- Kidnapped Princess Celestia for a little while.
- Caused Eternal Night for a little while.
- Destroyed the original forms of the Elements of Harmony, which were stone orbs, causing them to reform into their current necklace/tiara forms.
- Turns into a mist form to travel. This mist can manifest into ponies, i.e. the Shadowbolts, flies quickly, can go through solid objects, can cause the ground to break away, can turn trees into horrible effigies, can transform into objects like a thorn, etc.
Twilight Sparkle
Wait, what? Twilight?! Yep. I've been referring to her as the Anakin Skywalker of the Ponyverse, and if you've seen Star Wars, you'll know what I mean. She is also prone to anger, is extremely powerful with magic, and can obsess over things, driving her crazy where she then goes no-holds-barred to achieve whatever it is she's trying to do.
Chance she might return?: Unless a future season takes place with say the Cutie Mark Crusaders Diamond Tiara, Diamond Tiara's friend, and some other pony as the new 'mane 6', we'll definitely see her, not necessarily as the 'bad guy' though. =]
Notable deed(s):
- Unintentionally saved Canterlot with her hatred for Princess Cadence.
- Frequently beats up Spike, sometimes using her hoof, sometimes using magic to slam him into objects.
- Has used her magic for 'evil' at least once, when she enchanted her Smarty Pants doll and made the whole town go crazy over it. Has also accidentally used her magic for crimes against nature, turning living things into orange-animal hybrids.
- Meddles in pony's lives, whether they want her help or not. Uses magic for enhanced Mary Worth mode.
- Uses magic to pull Rainbow's tail, which can't feel good.
Diamond Tiara
The daughter of Filthy Rich and heiress to the Rich family fortune, Diamond Tiara is a classmate of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She despises Applebloom, and tries to discredit and humiliate her at any chance.She particularly enjoys mocking Granny Smith, who she sees as a senile old kook, but her plan to use Granny Smith to publicly humiliate Applebloom backfired when it turned out Granny Smith helped found Ponyville, and in turn helped her family make their fortune.
She also was a cutthroat newspaper editor and successfully expanded her readership from Ponyville elementary school to Ponyville itself and likely the surrounding areas, including Canterlot.
When Apple Bloom's cousin, Babs Seed, came to town, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were Johnny-on-the-spots to bully her as well. Babs had been bullied back home, and in fact had come to Ponyville to get a break from it all, so she snaps and joins Diamond Tiara, mercilessly harassing her own cousin and the other Crusaders.
Chance she might return?: Very high. The only real nemesis of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, besides themselves.
Notable deed(s):
- Frequently makes Applebloom feel like crap. Unintentionally made Applebloom feel good about herself after Granny Smith's shocking 'Founding of Ponyville' tale.
- Achieved her goal of turning around the school newspaper, and was punished for it.
- Invited Applebloom to her 'cutecineara' party just so she and Silver Spoon, her best friend, could mock her. Likely has a grudge against the other Crusaders as well, since they defended Applebloom from her, and apparently crashed the party.
Princess Celestia
Do what? Princess Celestia? But she's good! Yeah, usually, but she is an immortal demi-goddess, and gets entertainment by messing with her subjects. She also rarely bothers meddling in mortal affairs, letting her lackeys like Twilight Sparkle deal with all the crises.Chance she might return?: Practically guaranteed. Not only is she in the show's intro, almost every episode ends with one of the cast writing a letter to her about what they learned.
Notable deed(s):
- Intentionally left her molting pet phoenix, Philomena, knowing Fluttershy would find it irresistible and try to help her. She then put out an APB on the bird, and it turns out Philomena was in on the whole thing, intentionally acting like a douchebag, just like her owner.
- Intentionally invited Twilight and co. to the Grand Galloping Gala, hoping they would trash the place to liven it up.
- Let Twilight use the Canterlot Castle ballroom for her birthday, with the super fancy Canterlot Garden Party taking place right outside.
- Pretended to drink her tea, causing the Cake's to pour her more tea, which spilled all over.
- Did almost nothing while the super powerful Discord was running rampant and destroying her kingdom.
- Even she couldn't see through the Changeling Queen's disguise, and lost to her in a duel.
- Employs scrawny unicorns as bellhops at the castle, and delights in seeing them struggle to carry luggage without using magic.
- Intentionally gave Twilight Sparkle two tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala just to see what would happen. Since clearly she knew Twilight has 5 friends, since, oh, I don't know, they had all united and used the Elements of Harmony not long before and Twilight begged her to let her stay in Ponyville with them.
- The Crystal Empire was on the line and instead of going in to beat Sombra herself, she devised some BS 'test' for Twilight Sparkle, knowing full well how Twilight obsesses over her schooling. Twilight was so lacking in guidance she went to the Frozen North without any winter clothing. She also proceeded to blow off the crisis that was unfolding by thinking of it all as like a schoolhouse test. In the end, Twilight passes the test by being selfless, and Celestia honors her by giving the Kill Confirmed stained glass window credit to Spike, who nearly destroyed the Crystal Heart, and not even any effigy of Twilight or the other 5 who put lots of work into saving the Empire.
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie possesses Bugs Bunny style powers, able to do almost anything. Teleport, appear out of nowhere, swallow massive amounts of food at once etc. Her Pinkie Sense lets her predict danger.She is normally kind of crazy, but when she goes really crazy she is a force to be reckoned with.
Chance she might return?: Like Twilight, pretty much guaranteed unless they do a regime change.
Notable deed(s):
- Unintentionally sabotaged her aunt/uncle(?) and/or employers chances to win a big dessert contest by making their entry sound so good, her friends couldn't resist and ate it.
- Unintentionally sabotaged the other competitors' entries by making them sound so good the other bakers couldn't help themselves and ate them. She also went on a witch hunt and created hilarious, if farcical, stories of how each baker ruined her cake.
- Hounded a poor old donkey, not able to understand that he didn't want to be her friend, and ruined his mementos. Redeemed herself by finding the object of his decades long search.
- Does not like any pony breaking promises. Especially a Pinkie Promise. Will chase them to the end of the earth to punish promise breakers.
- Caused the Battle of Appleloosa by singing a song so terrible it prompted an immediate charge by the buffalo.
- Is a cider hog, and for years has left Rainbow and other ponies unable to get cider due to her greed.
- Tricks merchants and gets items for less than they wanted by using the old Duck Season/Rabbit Season routine.
- Instead of staying and helping her family on their rock farm, moved to Ponyville to become a party planner, presumably leaving them to a life of drudgery and misery.
May not be real and only a fictional character. Commands an army of felines. Is one of the nemeses of Daring Do.Chance he might return?: Fair, if they do more Daring Do episodes. Unknown if he is her main enemy or just the villain for the Sapphire Statue plot.
Notable deed(s):
- Tried to get the Sapphire Statue by letting Daring Do do all the hard work and ambushing her afterwards.
- Instead of killing Daring, pulled a Goldfinger and left her in a death trap, which she of course escaped from.
- Was going to enact some horrible vengeance upon the world using the Sapphire Statue, since Daring Do was thought to be 'out of the way.'
Sweetie Belle
She may not be a villain, yet, but she may just be the worst super villain Equestria has ever faced in the future.Chance she might return?: Very high. Cutie Mark Crusaders are recurring characters, and she is the sister of one of the mane 6.
Notable deed(s):
- Helped start the Gabby Gums gossip column, humiliating ponies all around Ponyville.
- Constantly annoys her sister, Rarity.
- Is the brains behind the Cutie Mark Crusaders and likely responsible for the majority of mischief they get into.
This normally annoying, sometimes cute, dragon has the potential lurking within him for great evil. He is gluttonous, and should be ever start coveting objects he transforms into an adult dragon, which terrorizes the populace while stealing and destroying all their stuff.Chance he might return?: Practicially guaranteed. Is one of the primary secondary characters and is in the intro, and has the vital role of messenger between Twilight and Celestia.
Notable deed(s):
- Loves Rarity, would probably do anything she asked.
- Trashes Twilight's rare books, lies about it.
- Gets super jealous of an owl and goes crazy trying to frame him, trashing Rarity's pet's toy in the process.
- After his first birthday in Ponyville, he went crazy with power after getting gifts, trying to extort things he wanted from others. Because of this he accelerated his growth and became a rampaging monster, kidnapping Rarity and stealing all he could. Eventually he saw he was hurting Rarity's feelings and turned back to normal. Also, he kicked the Wonderbolts' asses.
- Steals the wedding cake toppers for the royal wedding. Roleplays as the female.
- Was able to resist peer pressure and didn't destroy a phoenix egg, instead of trying to return it to its parents, takes it to raise as a 'pony.'
- Uses up all the hot water in an entire town by taking hours long baths.
- Almost destroyed the Crystal Heart by tripping.
F-Fluttershy? But she's so sweet! Usually, sure, but this pegasus has a dark side. When she doesn't get her way she becomes a dangerous bundle of rage. She also has a traumatic past that haunts her, buried under layers of kindness. When those layers are impeded via self-help seminars or magic, she becomes a cruel, vindictive, asshole.Chance she might return?: Pretty much guaranteed. As with Twilight and Pinkie, unless they make a new mane 6, she will be back.
Notable deed(s):
- Kidnapped Princess Celestia's pet, Philomena. It turned out to be a set up, but she didn't know that, and thought she was doing the right thing.
- Starting beating the hell out of random ponies in town when she became empowered by Iron Will. She also cruelly mocked two of her best friends, belittling Pinkie's mental capacity and mocking Rarity's obsession with fashion.
- When Discord hit her with his reverse-polarity magic, she became a complete asshole, physically and vocally attacking all her friends.
- Got super pissed over her 'critter picnic' being trashed.
- Threatened Twilight over the thought of her critters being hurt during Twilight's Saddle Arabian delegates entertainment.
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
In actuality, is Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie all wearing the costume, designed by Rarity. A super hero, her only purpose is to try and make Rainbow Dash feel like crap. After they teach Rainbow a lesson, she is never seen again, so we can only assume all the random ponies whose lives they had been saving are now on their own.Chance she might return?: Low. I'm sure the girls still have their costumes, but clearly they were only doing it to mess with Rainbow. My idea: Use it to develop Fluttershy, she keeps the costume and when she puts it on she becomes a whole new mare - brave, assertive, etc.
Notable deed(s):
- Performed many acts of heroism, putting their own lives at risk, but the only reason they did so was to make Rainbow feel like crap.
The spirit of chaos and disharmony, Discord was vanquished over a thousand years ago by Luna and Celestia, who used the Elements of Harmony to turn him to stone. This curse was broken by the Cutie Mark Crusaders fighting with each other near his 'statue.'Discord desires only one thing, chaos. Instead of finding this guy some unused land to live on, Celestia wants to turn him back to stone. He steals the Elements of Harmony so he can have some fun, making Twilight and co. run through a maze and corrupting them, i.e. the Honesty Element Applejack turns to Lies.
Eventually he even gets Twilight Sparkle corrupted, and all hope seems to be lost. Twilight breaks free of his magic thanks to the power of friendship, frees all her friends, and they vanquish him once again, turning him back to stone.
Chance he might return?: Unlikely, but possible. Last time, Celestia just left this guys statue-corpse out in public, which resulted in him being freed. He may have been put on display again, which means it's only a matter of time before bickering ponies unleash the chaos.
Notable deed(s):
- Got the mane 6, who are revealed to have been destined friends, to hate each other.
- Ruled with almost no threats, not even from the great Celestia and Luna.
- Arrogantly just stood there and got defeated after Twilight had rescued her friends.
- Caused chaos to blossom all around Equestria, including cotton candy clouds, chocolate milk rain, flying pigs, soap roads, rapid day-night cycles, mutant rabbits, etc.
The Great and Powerful Trixie
A traveling magician, Trixie has her own state of the art wagon that unfolds into a stage, complete with firework launchers, spinning sparklers, trumpets.. Like all good entertainers, she hypes up her performance, telling the crowd it will be the most spectacular thing they've ever seen. Applejack, Rarity, Spike, and Rainbow Dash start heckling her, whining about her 'boasting.' Trixie challenges them, saying anything they can do, she can do better. Applejack shows off her lasso skills, Trixie 'snake charms' a rope, hogties Applejack, and shoves an apple in her mouth. Rainbow Dash shows off a flying routine, Trixie sends her spinning into the air then electrocutes her with lightning from a storm cloud she summoned. Rarity is up next, showing off her beauty, Trixie transforms her mane into a nasty green mess.
Unfortunately, she gained the admiration of Snips and Snails, two little ponies of questionable intellect, who, after being lead on by Spike (who was spared Trixie's ire and thus still talking trash), lure an Ursa Minor back to town. Trixie eventually has to admit that her story about vanquishing an Ursa Major was all made up, and Twilight Sparkle saves the day. However, Trixie isn't going down that easy: she talks some trash to Twilight then tries to vanish in a cloud of smoke, running off into the night.
In season 3, she returns for revenge after seeking out the Alicorn Amulet, a powerful artifact that enhances the wielder's magic, at the cost of their sanity. She comes into town and starts using empowered magic on the citizens until Twilight is brought out. She tells us what the consequences of them being assholes to her in Boast Busters were, she was ostracized wherever she went, ponies laughed at her, threw eggs at her wagon, and spray painted it. With no other choice, she became a rock farmer on the Pie family farm. She then challenges Twilight to a duel and beats her by using an Age Spell, which is a pretty big deal apparently. Twilight is banished and Trixie takes over Ponyville. She gets to enjoy some Charles Bronson-style revenge, humiliating those who messed with her the first time.
She starts to lose her mind, becoming afraid of wheels and requesting that 'peel-less apples' be grown. Eventually Fluttershy finds out what Trixie's Alicorn Amulet really is, and then sneaks out to find Twilight. With the help of Zecora, Twilight and her friends devise a plan to trick Trixie, challenging her to another duel. They beat her, with BS mind you, and Trixie is tricked into removing the Alicorn Amulet herself, the only way to get it off.
At the end, Twilight is performing for the Saddle Arabian delegates and Trixie uses her pyrotechnic magic to add some fireworks to Twilight's fairly lame show, impressing even Celestia. Trixie. clad in her magician outfit, asks Twilight for forgiveness, which Twilight gives. She then vanishes in a cloud of smoke, running off into the night, but not before she trips. So, the BS that Twilight used to beat her apparently gave her a new lease on life and she will become a magician again.
In season 3, she returns for revenge after seeking out the Alicorn Amulet, a powerful artifact that enhances the wielder's magic, at the cost of their sanity. She comes into town and starts using empowered magic on the citizens until Twilight is brought out. She tells us what the consequences of them being assholes to her in Boast Busters were, she was ostracized wherever she went, ponies laughed at her, threw eggs at her wagon, and spray painted it. With no other choice, she became a rock farmer on the Pie family farm. She then challenges Twilight to a duel and beats her by using an Age Spell, which is a pretty big deal apparently. Twilight is banished and Trixie takes over Ponyville. She gets to enjoy some Charles Bronson-style revenge, humiliating those who messed with her the first time.
She starts to lose her mind, becoming afraid of wheels and requesting that 'peel-less apples' be grown. Eventually Fluttershy finds out what Trixie's Alicorn Amulet really is, and then sneaks out to find Twilight. With the help of Zecora, Twilight and her friends devise a plan to trick Trixie, challenging her to another duel. They beat her, with BS mind you, and Trixie is tricked into removing the Alicorn Amulet herself, the only way to get it off.
At the end, Twilight is performing for the Saddle Arabian delegates and Trixie uses her pyrotechnic magic to add some fireworks to Twilight's fairly lame show, impressing even Celestia. Trixie. clad in her magician outfit, asks Twilight for forgiveness, which Twilight gives. She then vanishes in a cloud of smoke, running off into the night, but not before she trips. So, the BS that Twilight used to beat her apparently gave her a new lease on life and she will become a magician again.
Notable deed(s):
- Possibly manufactured her own badass wagon to put on her shows and live in while traveling.
- Completely dominated Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, making them look like the jackasses they were acting like.
- Tried to defeat the Ursa Minor, even though she knew her tale about conquering the Ursa Major was all a fabrication.
- Even after having to reveal that she had made up the Ursa Major story and Twilight had to save the day, she talked trash to Twilight, vanished in a cloud of smoke, and ran off into the night.
- Trounced Twilight Sparkle in a magic duel, leading to Twilight being banished.
- Dominated Ponyville, forcing them to erect statues of her and decorate the town with banners.
- Planned to conquer Equestria with Twilight's fake amulet.
- Even though she lost again, she seems to have great respect for Twilight, perhaps wanting to be her friend.
Gilda the Griffon
Rainbow Dash's friend from Junior Speedsters flight camp. Gilda is, much like her friend, a douchebag. She takes an immediate dislike to Pinkie Pie and tries to get her to leave her and Rainbow alone. In town, she scares Granny Smith, steals food, and makes Fluttershy run away in terror. Pinkie throws her a party, where Gilda ends up the victim of many practical jokes. Gilda blames Pinkie and goes off on a rant. It turns out that Rainbow Dash was the one who set up all the jokes, not Pinkie, and Gilda leaves in a huff after Rainbow sides with her new friends instead of her.
Notable deed(s):
- Could have killed Pinkie Pie by sabotaging her balloons and gyrocopter.
- Freaked out Granny Smith
- Steals food.
- Terrorized Fluttershy.
- Flipped out at her own party since she couldn't enjoy anything because she kept running afoul of Rainbow Dash's pranks. Had Twilight level rage.
These seemingly innocuous little bugs are in reality a dangerous plague that are infamous for destroying crops and harvests. Fluttershy brings one back with her and that one soon multiplies into a huge swarm. They plague Ponyville, eating everything in sight. Twilight casts a spell that backfires, making it so instead of eating food, they eat anything but, including buildings and the words out of books.Their one weakness is music, and Pinkie Pie goes forth to collect all the necessary instruments. She assembles them into a 'one pony band' and leads the parasprites out of Ponyville. We also learn the infestation is widespread, as they are in Phillydelphia as well, and if you've seen that map that recently came out, you know that's a fair distance away from Ponyviille.
Chance they might return:? Unlikely, but possible. Unless Celestia or someone killed them, they are still out there, including the ones Twilight's spell effected, which eat buildings etc.
Notable deed(s):
- Uses their cuteness to infiltrate, then multiplied into a ravenous army.
- Caused tons of damage to Ponyville and the surrounding areas.
- Can be summoned using magic, as seen in Magic Duel.
King Sombra
A powerful, dark magic-using unicorn, King Sombra was said to have a heart as black as night. He took over the Crystal Empire, enslaving its subjects and probably banishing the Crystal Royals. Celestia and Luna had to interfere to save the Empire, casting a spell on Sombra that turned him into a living shadow, then entombing him in ice. Before he was vanquished, he cursed the Empire, causing it to disappear for 1,000 years.
The Empire, and Sombra, returned and Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were sent to help. Celestia then sends Twilight Sparkle and her friends as part of a 'test' for Twilight. Sombra continuously attacks the Empire, only held at bay by Cadence's dwindling magic. Thanks to his powerful magic, he almost succeeds in reclaiming the Crystal Heart, but is thwarted by Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, who swoops in and grabs the Heart after being tossed by her husband.
The Crystal Ponies energize the Crystal Heart with hope and harmony, the effect of which straight up annihilates Sombra, leaving only his horn.
Notable deed(s):
- Conquered the Crystal Empire and enslaved the crystal ponies.
- Was so powerful he had to be turned into shadow and sealed in ice.
- Despite the above, he still was able to curse the Crystal Empire.
- He came back, and, while he couldn't beat Cadence's protection magic, he was still insanely powerful, even being able to spread dark crystal corruption.
Babs Seed
The Apple's cousin from Manehattan, Babs has had a rough filly-hood, being constantly bullied because of her 'blank flank,' just like her cousin Apple Bloom. The bullying is so bad she instinctively flips her tail over her blank flank to hide it when attention is brought to it. She has apparently talked to her big sister about it, yet the bullying continues. The poor thing was so distraught her family sent her for a few weeks vacation in Ponyville, where she immediately finds herself right back to being bullied, this time by her cousin's own nemeses Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.
Babs, not wanting to get bullied any more, joins the two bad girl ponies and joins them in mocking the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She trashes their parade float, then proceeds to go HAM on them, taking over their clubhouse, chasing them around town and stealing their treats, and even forcing her own cousin to sleep on a pile of hay in the corner.
The Crusaders have had enough of her and Apple Bloom devises a plan to humiliate her. The Crusaders carefully calculate their plan, sabotaging their own float and playing Babs like a fiddle so she would steal it, where the booby trap would then go off and cause her to go out of control into a pig sty.
Applejack had decided to withhold the info that Babs had been bullied, and when the Crusaders learn, they have a change of heart. They save Babs from their trap, falling victim to it themselves. Babs can't believe it, since she had been so mean to them, and they all forgive each other and start over. Babs joins the Cutie Mark Crusaders, promising to start up a chapter in Manehattan, and before she departs she gets a little vengeance upon Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, making them fall into a pig sty.
Chance she might return:? As a 'villain,' unlikely. As a 'good guy,' likely.
Notable deed(s):
- Made the Crusaders' lives a living hell for a few weeks.
- Has almost Fluttershy-level trauma, taking out her years of abuse on the Crusaders and her cousin when she adopted her bully persona.
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