Thursday, August 1, 2013

Equestria Girls

Dear Princess Luna...

I wasn't sure what to think of it before I watched Equestria Girls, I always cringe a bit when I see some of the ghastly 'humanized' fan art. Thankfully,  Equestria Girls was actually not that bad, especially due to Sunset Shimmer's plot. =]

While the majority of the movie focuses on Twilight Sparkle, the real focus for me is Sunset Shimmer. Towards the beginning of the movie, Sunset sneaks in and steals the Element of Magic. Twilight pursues her and the Element of Magic, with Sunset in pursuit, vanishes into a mysterious mirror which leads to an alternate universe where technology and not magic is common and ponies are humanoid.

Sunset Shimmer was once just like Twilight Sparkle. She had been accepted into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and was quite proud of her own prowess in magic.


According to Celestia, Sunset Shimmer "began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown." Celestia also naively believed that Sunset Shimmer would return one day to 'seek her guidance.' Come on, Celestia, you trampled on her dreams and kicked her out, if she was coming back it wasn't your 'guidance' she would be seeking.

The comic series ' issue #9 includes a bonus story titled "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer", which details Sunset Shimmer's last days as Princess Celestia's student.


In "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer," Sunset is a skilled magical prodigy, but doesn't see value in socializing, much to Celestia's chagrin. To try and change her student's thoughts, Celestia shows her the magical Crystal Mirror and asks her what she sees. Sunset's first response is, "A beautiful pony that has nothing but power and potential." Celestia chastises her and reminds her about humility. Sunset looks again and says, "I see a pony who isn't powerful enough. Somepony who could be great, powerful..." An image of herself as an alicorn has appeared. "Somepony that could rule Equestria." Sunset then sees an image of like a skull and flames, and is terrified. Celestia is worried, dismisses it as a 'trick of the light' and ushers Sunset away.

Sunset became obsessed with the mirror, and keeps getting mirror-blocked by Celestia, who tells her 'when your ready' whenever Sunset asks about the mirror. After yet another 'When your ready' response while out on a picnic, Sunset headed to the Dark Magic wing of the Canterlot Archives, where she is eventually confronted by Celestia, but not before learning a few spells, discovering what the Mirror does, and finding the alicornification process explained in a book. Sunset is livid that Celestia is hiding magic from her and demands to be made a princess.  "I deserve to stand beside you and be your equal... if not your better. Make me a princess."

"Sorry it had to be this way... Princess"
Celestia refuses, because as we know from Magical Mystery Cure, becoming a princess is something a pony must earn. Celestia also expels Sunset as her student and orders her guards to escort her out of the castle. Sunset ain't going down like that and ambushes her guards, escaping into the Crystal Mirror. Celestia is deeply saddened by her student's betrayal, and has the Mirror moved to her throne room to serve as a reminder, and in case Sunset ever comes back. Sunset finds herself in the alternate universe where she is now a teenaged girl. "Well, well, this is an interesting development."

"You must be new here. I can speak to anyone any way I want."
Sunset never lost her desire to be a princess, and the alternate universe (henceforth noted as AU) was able to fulfill that desire through their Princess of the Fall Formal tradition. The AU still features the city of Canterlot, except it is a normal modern city with Canterlot Castle transformed into Canterlot High School. The AU also has some differences, such as the Cutie Mark Crusaders being old enough to be in high school, Celestia and Luna are Principal and Vice Principal of this school (a huge decrease in power), and most importantly, since there isn't unicorn magic in the AU, Celestia never had to groom Twilight to be her apprentice, and thus the AU Twilight doesn't go to Canterlot High, and therefore isn't friend with the 'mane 5.'

Princess Sunset Shimmer - First Year

Three years have passed while Sunset is in the AU, and she wins the Princess of the Fall Formal every year, mostly because she is so intimidating to the other students.

Princess Sunset Shimmer - Second Year
So the magical mirror's portal opens only once every 'thirty moons.' I can't find the value I used last time to try and figure out what the '100 moons' meant, but it may be something like 6~ months. The mirror also only stays open for three days, closing when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky on the third. This is obviously problematic for several reasons. 1.) Without the Element of Magic, the other Elements of Harmony have no power, depriving Equestria with one of its most important means of defense. 2.) They are concerned that Sunset will use the powers of the crown to hurt others in the other realm, which is worsened by the AU inhabitants being unable to defend themselves against it. And 3.) They only want Twilight to go in after it, because their very presence may upset the balance of the AU and create havoc, making it impossible to get back the crown

Princess Sunset Shimmer - Third Year
Spike, being the dumbass that he is, follows Twilight through, even though his presence could foul up everything. On the plus side, he becomes an ugly dog. On the other side of the portal, we find out that the crown had smacked the AU Fluttershy in the head and, believing it to be the Fall Formal crown, she had brought it to Principal Celestia. Sunset Shimmer was not pleased and confronted Fluttershy about it. Bizarrely, Sunset also treats the crown like it is just the prize, responding to Fluttershy's "It... doesn't really belong to you, either." with, "It's as good as mine and you know it."

"You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals."
Twilight also decides to be dumb and not just get the crown and get out of there, deciding that the only way to get it back is to compete against Sunset for the Princess of the Fall Formal title. So, we go through a big thing with the super awkward Twilight learning about the AU and see some familiar characters along the way, including all of her friends, who, much to Twilight's surprise, seem to have some hate pairings going on. Pinkie dislikes Fluttershy, Applejack dislikes Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo <3

After Twilight signs up to compete, Sunset finally notices who the strange new girl really is. Sunset almost had to have been gathering intel before she made her move. The only reason the crown was even there was for a Princess Summit that Twilight was attending, and we know the portal only opens once every 30 moons, and had recently been moved to the Crystal Empire. So it definitely seems like Sunset was planning this for a while since she was knowledgeable enough about the new location (which didn't even exist when Sunset was studying under Celestia) to find the crown, and she knew Twilight was a princess so you'd think she'd recognize her target's humanoid appearance.

" Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier. Should've known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown, and her little dog, too."
Twilight decides she needs to research the AU if she has any chance of winning. She deduces that since it's a school, there must be a library.

We also see Trixie, yay! <3
Twilight eventually discovers a yearbook and sees her friends looking like they are friends with each other. Twilight wonders why they ceased to be friends and thinks Sunset Shimmer is responsible.

The next day, Twilight finds herself the laughingstock of the school. Snips and Snails took video of her doing super awkward things and distributed it. Rarity pulls her into a room and gives her a disguise, which Applejack sees through. Pinkie and Fluttershy also show up, and they all wish to help Twilight. Twilight learns that Rarity has a beef with Pinkie as well. They start bickering and Twilight silences them with the yearbook, and they soon learn that Sunset Shimmer tricked them into hating each other by sending them text messages. For instance, Rainbow Dash told Applejack that she'd bring the softball team to a bake sale, Applejack told everyone, the team never showed up. According to Rainbow Dash, Applejack had told her the sale had been moved, via text. Sunset may not have her magic in the AU, but she's possibly a hacker. Awesome.

"No one will recognize you!"
After Applejack and Rainbow patch things up, Rainbow challenges Twilight to a soccer match in order for her to help her win. Twilight gets wrecked, but Rainbow agrees to help anyway, because Twilight has 'heart and determination.'


With her new-old friends reunited, they start conspiring against Sunset Shimmer. Rarity comes up with the idea to bolster the school's spirit with tails and pony ears, as a sign of unity. They all like the idea and so does everyone at the school.

Sunset isn't giving up yet, though, and has Snips and Snails trash the decorations. Snips and Snails then alter photographs to implicate Twilight, and Sunset brings them to Vice Principal Luna. Twilight gets busted, and can't understand how she is in the pictures. Flash Sentry, Sunset's ex-boyfriend and a guy Twilight has been smitten with, saves the day by finding pictures in the library's trash used to make the fake photos, which Snips and Snails moronically left behind. Due to the trashed decorations, however, the Fall Formal has been delayed, which means Twilight is screwed.

Twilight consults with Spike and he suggests that she should just tell her friends the truth. She doesn't have to, as Pinkie blurts out exactly what is happening and who she really is. Twilight confesses that she really is a pony princess, and they are all surprisingly cool with that. They redecorate and fix everything back up and get the Fall Formal back on schedule. Of course, Twilight wins the Princess title.

Sunset knew that was coming, however, and has a plan. Snips and Snails kidnap Spike and lead Twilight and co. out to the portal, which is a statue in front of the school.

We also see Trixie at the vending machine again, and she's all dolled up for the Formal.

Sunset has a sledgehammer and threatens that she'll smash the portal unless she gets the crown.

"You don't belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it, and never go home."

Sunset says there is only an hour left before the portal closes. Twilight decides to keep the crown, because she's already seen how much damage Sunset can do without the crown, and is willing to be stuck there forever to keep it out of her grasp.

"I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic. Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead, destroy the portal. You are not getting this crown!"
Sunset isn't giving up. She orders Snips and Snails to seize Spike, and a wild battle erupts over the crown. Sunset eventually claims it.

"At last, more power than I have ever imagined."
Earlier, Sunset had made a remark about 'what happens if you bring an Element of Harmony to another world?' She didn't say what did happen, but I don't think what happens to her is what she had in mind, as tears flow down her cheeks as the crown's magic washes over her and corrupts and twists her form.


Sunset emerges as a demon. I love this character.

Sunset uses her dark powers to transform Snips and Snails into demons.

Sunset also uses her magic to blast a giant hole in the front of the school and then charm the students.

"I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along. But let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal to me!"

It turns out that this had been Sunset's plan all along. She (kind of stupidly) wanted to get her 'own teenage army' and then take over Equestria. Why just teenagers and not everyone in Canterlot? Or the entire world? I have no idea.

"Spoiler alert: I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school; I want Equestria! And with my own little teenage army behind me, I am going to get it!"
 Of course, Twilight and her friends stand up to Sunset. Sunset is greatly amused.

"Oh, please! What exactly do you think you're going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing!"

To cease Twilight's meddling for the last time, Sunset opts for a fireball. I really do love Sunset Shimmer.

"Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already and she needs to be dealt with."

A magical shield saved Twilight and her friends from the fireball, shocking Sunset. Twilight explains that the magic that made up her Element was able to unite with those who helped create it. They begin to do an Elements of Harmony attack, and start to ponify, gaining tails, wings, horns.

"Honesty! Kindness! Laughter! Generosity! Loyalty! Magic! Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, and it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you can not wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!"
 The Elements wash over Sunset as well as cleanse the other students.

Sunset is left smoldering in a giant crater.

Twilight smugly tells her that the magic of friendship is the only true power in this world and in Equestria, and that since Sunset revealed her true heart, she had lost all the power she had in this world.
"Uh. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know there was another way."
Twilight helps her out of the crater and tells her that she can seek out the magic of friendship, or be forever alone, her choice. Sunset apparently has never had any friends and only knows how to drive people apart. Twilight motions to her AU friends and tells Sunset, "I bet they can teach you."

With somewhere under an hour left to go and the Sunset Shimmer crisis resolved, Twilight decides to stay and dance, mostly for Flash Sentry. During the dance Scootaloo also gets to play with winged Rainbow.

As Twilight prepares to leave, she asks her friends to look out for Sunset, which they agree to, although they're expecting her to be apologizing a lot. Sunset, Snips, and Snails are forced to repair the damage Sunset did to the building, and that's the last we see of her. I wonder why Sunset didn't want to go back with Twilight. She is really a pony, right? Or was she always an AU humanoid that wound up in Equestria and under Celestia's tutelage? Twilight probably didn't offer to take her back after what happened, wishing for her to be punished and deal with the mess she caused.
Aww :(
Back in Equestria, Twilight is reunited with all of her friends who've been waiting for her on the other side. Celestia seems to really care about Sunset, as she asks if she's alright. So, she totally could have come back and not been ostracized, even after what she did. :( Twilight and her friends are walking while asking her a torrent of questions. She runs into a royal guard pony, who Cadence reveals to be Flash Sentry. Applejack and Rarity declare that Twilight has a crush on him, Twilight denies it, Pinkie uses her Pinkie Power to fully explain Twilight's interactions with AU Flash Sentry. Twilight asks how she knew that, to which Pinkie replies, 'Just a hunch!'

What I learned from this movie:
  • Sunset Shimmer is awesome. I wish her plot line had been used in an actual episode so I could see what happens if a wicked unicorn mare tried to use the Element of Magic and what a pony-demon would look like. I'm not sure where she places amongst my character rankings, but she'd definitely be up there. There was a big thing when products of Sunset started to show up and someone asked if she would be in season 4, the answer was no. :( I would love to see her and Trixie teaming up for something.
  • Twilight Sparkle - Sunset Shimmer, seems kind of similar, huh? Almost as if there could be a somewhat vague prophecy about the next alicorn princess' name. Especially with "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer" comic showing her as a prospective alicorn.
  • Sunset Shimmer might fulfill the 'Twilight' role as part of the AU mane 6 based on the ending, that would be cool.
  • I certainly understand why, but it was very silly how both Sunset and Twilight decided to put the fate of the world on the decision of random high school kids' votes.
  • Twilight proved how powerful her role truly is as the 'leader' of the Elements of Harmony since with her presence the latent magical powers (which apparently no one knew existed in the AU) of her and her friends came to life.
  • It's apparently Snips and Snails' destiny to be henchmen to wicked unicorns.
  • Hail, Trixie, Mistress of the Vending Machine. Kind of weird she was even there, since in Equestria she is a wandering magician, but whatever, I was happy to see her.
  • The AU Celestia and Luna got the short end of the stick, going from the rulers of a continent/world to principals of one school.
  • Flutters/Rarity/etc. are apparently the go-to gals in at least two universes when you want a friendless, magic-obsessed unicorn to change her attitude on life.
  • I'm not sure if there's going to be future Equestria Girls' projects, but if there are, it'll be interesting to see what occurs regarding AU Twilight. She was clearly not friends with any of them, and didn't even go to the school. It seems likely they might seek her out (and I doubt any future EG stuff would exclude Twilight, and it seems unlikely they would bring Equestria Twilight in again), and I think it would be pretty cool if they did a callback to the very first episode(s) of Friendship is Magic. Have Twilight be a Dale Gribble-esque conspiracy theorist, obsessed with some Nightmare Moon-like prophecy. No one believes her except her new soon-to-be friends.

1 comment:

  1. Compassion.






    They are the source of the true magic of Earth, the power of all things holy, sacred and pure.

    They are the key ingredients that make the power of friendship strong.

    They are the Essences of Virtue.

    Pinkie Pie = Laughter

    Rarity = Redemption

    Applejack = Commitment

    Twilight Sparkle = Wisdom

    Fluttershy = Compassion

    Rainbow Dash = Courage

    And THAT is what redeemed the Pony Sunset Shimmer.
